Since 1981
I would like to share how I became the person I am and the nitro modifier I am now.
In 1981 I built an RC airplane. The engine that came with the kit was a Brat .26, absolutely gutless. An old man named Marvin Staley asked this kid if I wanted help and I told him that I would take anything he could offer to make me a better pilot. So that night I stopped by his house and he pulled my engine apart and started to work on it. I was amazed and knew what he was doing and had to ask no questions. Things were clicking inside my head as I was watching this man work magic. At this time I had an epiphany. Every time I bought a new engine after that it was being modified. A few years went by and I had bought an OPS.12 for my RC car. Once again it was gutless so I started my work on the engine, later that week I showed up at the track and low and behold I owned everyone there. We were all setting on the tail gates of our trucks at 1am in the morning and the boys asked me what I did to my engine. My reply was. I just did a little work on it. Before I knew it 5 guys asked if I would do their engines for them. The next week everyone was running ballistic, that night I took about 8 engines home and the next week the same thing again. Finally one of the guys said, Rick you should do this for a living youre a natural at it. My reply was there is others probably that do better and about 3 guys said NO! You are the best we have seen. Well back then there was only a 2 modifiers out. Over 30 years later here I am doing what I love to do. Now my engines hold over 12 Real worlds records, I have developed new ideas for a few engine manufactures and have developed my own parts and upgrades. I have had the pleasure to know some of the big names out there and my life has been lived in a big way. I have truly been blessed. Thanks to my friends and clients throughout the world.
My Oath to you my clients is to treat each one of you like family and a friend. Rick Brake RBMods